Actividad Física Y Hombres

Physical Activity And Men

Having and enjoying a healthy life is the desire of the majority of the people who inhabit this beautiful planet called Earth, regardless of creed, political ideology or nationality; The regular practice of physical activity and activities that avoid and ward off sedentary lifestyle are a winning formula in most cases.

Self-care, adequate rest, a balanced diet and physical activity are undoubtedly a set of effective factors to maintain and balance the proper functioning of that wonderful and perfect machine that is the human body and everything that derives from its physical state. The adequate consumption of nutrients, vitamins, proteins and minerals is essential in its proper functioning. As well as its opportune rest to allow the adequate recharge of vital and necessary energies, for its correct work. It is there where the pijamas charge a superlative value, at the time of rest.

There is an increasing focus on the benefits of physical activity (PA) and on encouraging the global community to be more physically active. Physical activity is important for comprehensive health and especially mental health. The lack of it is linked to a variety of serious health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and some forms of cancer.

The most common reasons given by men who are not physically active are lack of time due to work or study commitments, lack of interest, age (“I'm too old”), and ongoing injury or illness.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), men were slightly more physically active than women in 2010 globally.

Less than half of men between the ages of 18 and 64 are active enough today. This number drops to 1 in 4 for men over 65. Furthermore, 7 out of 10 men in Europe are overweight or obese.

Overall, about 23% of adults over 18 were not active enough in 2010 (men 20% and women 27%).

Perceived Barriers To Physical Activity

There are several common reasons why some men don't exercise:

  • Lack of time for physical activity (men in their 30s and 50s are often busy with personal commitments). When free time is limited, it is natural to choose enjoyable activities. If men don't see physical activity as enjoyable, they won't.
  • Lack of interest in physical activity. Some men believe in the "no pain, no gain" misconception and think that only strenuous and uncomfortable forms of physical activity are worth it. However, physical activity doesn't have to be especially strenuous.
  • Lack of motivation about physical activity. Some men see health as a low priority.
  • Lack of physical ability. Health problems that make activity and movement uncomfortable, such as obesity, back pain, or persistent fatigue, are a common barrier to regular participation in physical activity.
  • Limited access to exercise facilities. Some men think it's all about gyms, etc. This is not the case, for example, there are activities that do not require facilities or equipment, such as walking.

Physical activity

It is defined as any body movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure, including activities performed while:

  • You are in the workplace
  • is being played
  • Housework is being done
  • Active trips are made
  • Participate in recreational activities

Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy body weight and reduces the risk of many chronic conditions and injuries. A high level of cardiorespiratory fitness is also one of the best predictors of overall health and well-being.

Regular, moderate-intensity physical activity has significant health benefits. This includes walking, biking, or participating in sports. The benefits of physical activity include a reduced risk of:

  • Cardiovascular diseases ,
  • Diabetes
  • Colon and breast cancer
  • Depression
  • Decreased risk of hip or vertebral fracture
  • It helps control weight

Benefits Of Physical Activity In Men With Cardiovascular Diseases.

Physical activity clearly lowers the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD). It is not so clear how much physical activity is needed, but a key element in the prevention of this scourge that grows more every day and leaves its negative trace within society.

Some studies have shown that those who did the equivalent of 300 min / week of moderate intensity free time activity had a 20% lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Those who did the equivalent of 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity leisure-time physical activity had a 14% lower risk.

Relative risks are lowest among people who were physically active below the basic guideline, but above those with lower levels, supporting the guideline's claim that some physical activity is better than none.

In a large prospective study of American men, vigorous intensity physical activity, even at ≥ 70 MET-hours per week, was associated with a lower risk of incidents of severe chronic disease and total cardiovascular disease. Running, tennis, and brisk walking were associated with a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Benefits Of Physical Activity In Men With Chronic Diseases.

Weight reduction in men is best achieved and maintained with a combination of a reducing diet, physical activity or physical activity program, and behavior change techniques. Increased intensity of physical activity was associated with loss of fat mass in severely obese men.

Higher levels of physical activity were associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Higher levels of leisure-time physical activity may reduce the risk of: chronic pelvic pain syndrome; chronic prostatitis, in middle-aged and elderly men.

Benefits of Physical Activity in Men With Prostate Cancer

The effects of exercise on cancer-specific quality of life in men with prostate cancer:

  • Improvement of the specific quality of life of the cancer patient and the specific fatigue of the man with prostate cancer (up to 6 months of follow-up).
  • Positive beneficial effects for lower body strength and aerobic fitness.
  • Physical activity was associated with lower overall mortality in men with prostate cancer. Both the non-vigorous activity and the vigorous activity showed significant results.
  • Exercise as a factor in reducing the risk of prostate cancer is not yet clear.

The objective is to highlight the importance of physical activity for men's health, acting as an ally in that routine of eating, resting and exercising that must be considered very seriously, as well as the use pajamas at bedtime.