Hábitos de Salud e Higiene de los Hombres   

Men's Health and Hygiene Habits

When it comes to beauty and personal appearance, women report spending more time and money perfecting their appearance. However, during the last decade, the range of beauty and personal care products, considered socially acceptable for men, has expanded, including in this group the pijamas; and to which men pay increasing attention to their personal appearance.

A third of men spend more than thirty minutes a day grooming, which opens up a number of opportunities for companies, both in personal care and nightwear such as pajamas, develop products aimed at the unique needs of this segment of men who are especially concerned with appearance. In addition, as more men become interested in improving their appearance, extending their grooming and product use habits, it will be essential for brands to create specific products for men, which allow men to feel more comfortable at rest and during personal care.

Daily Time Dedicated to Personal Appearance

Men's beauty and grooming needs are not uniform across regions or types of consumers. In fact, a critical factor that distinguishes low maintenance men from higher maintenance men is whether the consumer lives in an emerging or developed market.

As disposable income increases and Western culture expands in emerging markets, male consumers in these countries are putting more effort into their appearance and using a wider range of products than many of their counterparts in developed countries. Hence the rise of pajamas luxury and recognized brands.

While the amount of time men spend on beauty and grooming each day does not differ dramatically between emerging and developed markets, the range of products men regularly use does. In four categories of personal care items (fragrances, hair care, skin care and cosmetics); men in emerging markets are diversifying their product options and pajamas, occasionally, they indulge in more traditionally feminine toiletries and cosmetics.

In all markets, 85% of men who have used deodorant in the past three months rely on daily applications of the product to keep them smelling fresh. Men in developed markets tend to stick to the basics and are twice as likely to apply deodorant as cologne, and four times more likely to apply deodorant than body spray. Men in emerging markets, however, are just as likely to apply cologne and deodorant, and some also regularly spray body scents.

Latin American men are particularly diligent in smelling fresh; Every day, about 100% of male product users in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico apply deodorant and more than 70% apply body sprays and cologne. In emerging markets, industries and retailers can boost sales by diversifying deodorants and other fragrances with trendy and modern marketing, especially in Latin America.

Hair and Sleep Care

Most men keep it simple with hair products, using only shampoo in their daily routine. About 40% of men also pamper their locks with hair conditioner; Latin American and Indian men are more likely to add this extra step to their shower routine. Men in emerging markets are also twice as likely to apply hair oils, wear hair fragrances, and apply hair loss treatment products.

Once again, these appearance-conscious men in emerging markets are pursuing modern and trendy styles by diversifying their use of modern pajamas and on trend, while men in developed markets stick with basic styles. To increase their sales of men's hair care products, industries and retailers can attract men in emerging markets with more diversified and sophisticated hair care products.

Suitable Cosmetics

While not as common as other personal care products, cosmetics are slowly making their way into the men's grooming routine, especially in emerging markets. Worldwide, one in two men report using at least one type of cosmetic product. In developed markets, men rely on more basic cosmetics such as lip balms and, rarely, foundations.

In emerging markets, men are dabbling in a wider variety of cosmetic products, using lip gloss in addition to lip balm and BB creams in addition to foundation. Nail polishes are also becoming increasingly common for men, especially in Colombia, where 35% of men report using them weekly. Retailers and industries need to be on the lookout for men in emerging markets in order to enjoy traditionally feminine cosmetic products.

Men around the world are increasingly indulging in beauty and personal care products, which go hand in hand with the pajamas too. While basic, simple, and low-maintenance routines remain the norm in developed markets, men in emerging markets tend to lean towards more modern, sporty, and trendy styles.

These style preferences are evident in the products that men in emerging and developed markets incorporate into their grooming, rest, and sleep routines; reinforcing the importance of personalized marketing and product development when targeting these groups.

Brands and retailers should highlight the “basic” and “masculine” characteristics of the product when promoting personal care products in developed markets, for example: silk pajamas on cotton, deodorant on fragrance, shampoo on conditioner and lip balm on lip gloss. On the contrary, men in emerging markets will be more attracted to a wider range of products with specialized varieties and innovative combinations.

It is said that clothing makes the man, and although it is not generally talking about pajamas in those cases, the pijamas they are still rated as clothing. Therefore, what the man chooses to sleep also does, up to a point. In any case the pajamas is a garment that does not have an expiration date and must always be present in the wardrobe of every man who wants to keep it in good condition; your mood, rest, sleep and the sensitivity and care of the skin.

Undoubtedly, the use pajamas, is increasingly immersed in the "department" of personal care. In this new current perspective on masculinity, this garment does not lose prominence; On the contrary, it enjoys a growing popularity that is evident in the sales reports and the increase in its numbers, in specialized stores and recognized brands, in the rebound of its use as a trend, to the point of reaching the fashion catwalks.