Estrés Y Ansiedad En El Sueño

Stress And Anxiety In Sleep

Speaking of night rest and those routines that are necessary to achieve that essential rest as a key factor for integral health, also necessary to optimize performance and face all the activities and challenges that the day brings, build habits that stimulate rest, starting with putting on the best Pijama.

Now, as some components that are worth evaluating and that will directly affect this desired health are stress and anxiety, however, it must be clarified that they are normal responses of the body to an imminent danger or the perception of it, that is to say that the Stress is necessary as a state of alert but in the problem occurs with the excesses when it becomes a permanent state, that is where the problems arise.

Then, both in stress and anxiety allow generating the alert and activation that are necessary to face the dangers or threats that are present and to seek solutions.

Problems Affecting Rest

Then, they become a real problem when they acquire a high level or are too intense or disproportionate to the stimulus that activates them, as well as when they are too long-lasting, that is, they are prolonged in time even when that event of danger, challenge disappears. or by inability to cope, in the same way when reactions and behaviors are too frequent.

The activation and alert response that they unleash whose primary objective is to mobilize resources for survival is incompatible with sleep. For this reason, when these emotions are maintained over time, they end up generating psychophysiological problems such as insomnia.

Thus, both anxiety and stress become one of the main precipitating factors or triggers of transient insomnia problems. Also, a greater activation both from the physiological and cognitive levels has been clinically proven in those people who have a greater tendency to face transient sleep problems with the potential to become chronic.

In this context, it is about looking at the health problem and its possible solutions; on the other hand, it will be essential to consider that once insomnia problems are established, consequently, lack of sleep produces a physiological reaction in the body that contributes to considerably increase these levels of anxiety and stress, generating a greater state of alertness and activation therefore, greater difficulties to be able to relax and fall asleep to be able to sleep, in a vicious cycle that can be dangerous.

Stress and Anxiety

Obviously, the mechanisms that produce this effect are in synthesis a whole cascade of biological events that take place in our organism in front of one or several events that trigger states of stress at the hormonal and neuronal level, by which these alterations in segregation occur. of different substances such as cortisol, which inhibits and suppresses sleep, as well as prolactin or serotonin, closely related to the regulation of the cycles of the dream, moods, perception of pain, among others.

Thus, it can be observed how stress and anxiety become serious triggers of insomnia and in turn a terrible consequence of it, being a fundamental element to be treated medically in sleep problems. To speak much more clearly, it must be understood that, indeed throughout life, there will inevitably be multiple situations that will produce anxiety or stress.

Exactly these situations that bring changes, illnesses, problems, in short, life is full of moments that can bring a series of conflicts and crises. The objective that is in fact the most logical, focuses on adjusting those emotions to the situation that causes them and acting accordingly and aligned to finish stabilizing our attitude with that emotion as soon as possible.

Hence, if what is causing stress is making it difficult to fall asleep, it will be essential to address the situations that cause anxiety in a much more conscious way and if it is necessary to seek professional support. In an initial exercise, the approach to these problems and situations would have to address the most frequent symptoms or triggering situations, trying to intervene in a specific way in any case at the three levels in which anxiety states manifest themselves, that is, from the thoughts, physical and motor responses.

Attitude and Self-control

There are different techniques and methods of a cognitive type such as thought control, cognitive restructuring, paradoxical intention, self instructions, problem solving; and from the physiological point of view, such as relaxation techniques, meditation or physical deactivation.

A bit as suggestions to evaluate and especially in a preventive way, it would be very convenient to considerably reduce the risk of suffering problems associated with anxiety and stress, as well as learn strategies to learn to deal with and cope with stress assuming that there will always be situations that trigger these states, so that when problems inherent in life, work, study activity arise, among others that in fact generate stress, in order to develop that capacity that allows to face it in a much more decisive and efficient way.

For example, a series of really useful tools for life such as time planning, effective decision-making processes or problem solving, social skills and assertiveness, relaxation techniques, self-esteem development, among others.

Rest Routines

Proper time management is one of the fundamental elements that very frequently trigger situations in states of stress and anxiety. A good tool is then the design, application and implementation of routines that allow optimizing the execution of tasks and activities of all kinds, which brings structure and order.

This routine should include each and every one of the activities, work, study, entertainment and rest. The planning of rest routines allows you to build habits to be able to stabilize and regulate the schedules and from the customs to be able to dedicate the necessary time to sleep during the night rest.

In general, sleep is very important and sleeping eight hours on average is essential and of great health benefits. For an average person, there are many temptations that can cause temptation and that keep us out of bed, as well as many more than those that attract us to it, intimacy at best.

The pijamas for men should be one of the first items that we should take into account in our daily rest ritual as part of that routine in building those habits that we want to establish. This is because these garments have become increasingly important in the lives of men to sleep comfortably and peacefully under the covers.

A man who have a habit of wearing a Pijama As a sleeping garment, it is by nature very attached to its habits, as they are part of its character and personality. By then the time of night rest is perhaps one of the most awaited and important moments after a very long day that could well be very hectic at work with all the challenges and responsibilities that you must face in your day to day.