Pijamas Y Moda Amigable

Pajamas & Friendly Fashion

For a few decades now, the concept that has been posed as sustainable, sustainable or friendly fashion, stands out from all its facets an authentic capacity to satisfy the priority needs that the population of the fashion market requires, in order to considerably reduce the enormous impact that these modes of textile production have on the resources and natural possibilities of future generations.

Sustainable development

So, based on this concept of sustainable development that has become more and more visible since the eighties when its beginnings, which exposes that it is about meeting the current growing needs without affecting and compromising the natural environment as a legacy of the next future generations.

From the different findings of important researchers and experts, all agree that under this scheme of strong unlimited exploitation of resources as the means to obtain economic benefits and profitability as the only criterion for a productive development, simply unsustainable for the ecosystem.

Given that the wealth in continuous and indiscriminate exploitation is severely affecting the natural ecological balance of the planet, so it will be impossible for it to survive eternally at this rate; Fortunately and in contrast, a series of innovative ideas are being implemented in favor of a positive development.

Sustainable Fashion Trends

It is a fact that the creative mindset has no limits, and even less in fashion; Well, in terms of trends in sustainable fashion that set the standard during 2020, the ingenuity of both traditional and emerging style creators have resulted in a wide and wide variety of proposals from young talents, designers who undertake in an increasingly globalized world.

Similarly, the big brands of fashion are focusing all their efforts on creating these new styles framed in this concept, as it is essential to find strategies to keep up with the demanding and also growing demands of clothing from fashion affordable.

Friendly Fashion Trends

An excellent example of this friendly fashion is the ThriftingThis is an interesting type of purchases, which have experienced a considerable increase so far in the last five years. This trend of saving, donating and buying is indeed an excellent practice, because it keeps textiles in a greater circulation and a maximum point of use out of the waste dumps.

Now, in addition, it is also true that most of these second-hand stores involve a very important component associated with charity, since they allow providing support to people with limited resources in a community or geographical area of influence, which is a sample of social responsibility with an additional return to the environment.

Another very good idea is that the Thrift flipping; Likewise, this is a trend that is becoming popular as a process of customizing second-hand garments; Currently many people are trying this fun modality, which is very interesting and attractive, because from a garment or item bought in a second-hand store, they update it by adding different design elements, either cutting, or totally changing the piece in a single transformation, so that it is more than fashion, which tests skills and creativity.

Eco-friendly materials

When it comes to materials, in this new wave of friendly fashion and sustainable, it turns out that algae are in trend, these greenish viscous plants that float in ponds and swamps, in fact they can be excellent textiles in the making of beautiful pendants totally to the fashion; they can be cultivated for the manufacture of foam soles for shoes among other pieces.

The most curious, interesting and above all highly beneficial is that it is a material that is one hundred percent renewable, degradable and can even release certain antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients in the skin that when these algae-based textiles are used will be Of benefit to the customer, just imagining a collection of algae foam-based garments is enough to attract the attention of consumers.

Another material that is giving something to talk about is the leaves of the Pineapple, and is that this tropical fruit of freshness, party and fun by nature is ideal for making ecological garments It turns out that making fabrics with these pineapple leaves is quite common , especially in geographic areas where they are a native crop, is a vision of sustainability.

Indeed, it is quite a process, but pineapple fibers can be combined with other fibers to weave them into fabulous fabrics. Pineapple fabric is lightweight, yet stiff and eco-friendly. We hope to see everything from clothing to shoes to bags made from pineapple.

Merino Wool Pajamas

The design of Pajamas Made of Merino Wool could not be missing, as this is a fabric that comes from the Merino sheep, which is a type of sheep that is native to the Iberian region and north of Africa, which is currently raised anywhere of the world.

This wool can be found in different garments and confections such as sweaters, socks, t-shirts, pants and pajamas for men that maintain body heat during the winter, and that also mixes very well with other materials, such as polyester.

Natural and Biodegradable

The development of these fabrics is a very good way to contribute to the conservation of the planet from the ecosystem, as this wool disintegrates, that is, it is biodegradable, also in a matter of very few years, even serving as a great fertilizer for the earth. This is definitely important for the purposes of this trend of Ecological fashion and friendly.

Vegan Fashion and Cruelty Free

In this specific concept that refers to the raw material of the character sustainable, Koba is a kind of fiber that is derived from the by-product of corn; In the sense that we are seeing an interesting increase in the demand for fashion that is defined as vegan and cruelty free, this is a perfect answer; It is an excellent option, in fact much more ecological than in comparison with nylon and polyester.

On the other hand, the idea that, if it is possible to make multiple garments, sets, outfits and combinations with very few pieces, which is a whole concept that is seriously motivated to innovate and create on the clothes that you already have. . This trend is based above all on information, education and the idea of continuous innovation.

In addition to being a company that is extremely fun for customers, because projects that have to do with fashion always suggest a great display of creativity to the maximum.

Now, we must certainly be very aware that these environmental solutions for a wardrobe with garments for all activities both day and night, will not be economical at all, on the other hand, you can be much more aware of what you buy. .

On the other hand, there is the idea of customizing and renovating pieces that still have a certain useful life, in fact, it is an option to avoid textile waste by giving a greater capacity to use the garments in favor of a friendly and sustainable fashion.